
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Drip no more

Know those hand-washing posters that greet you by the sink in almost every public bathroom these days? Well, if you haven't been washing up on the lastest restroom literature, here's an example:
For the most part, these posters are all fine and dandy with me, but I can't stop thinking about those last two steps. I can't help but cringe at the thought of all that wasted water just rushing down the drain as one goes to dry their hands and then reach for a paper towel (especially since paper towels aren't always conveniently located beside each individual sink).

It seems just as wasteful as leaving the tap running while brushing your teeth.

Personally, I'd rather turn off the tap with my sleeve or take my chances and follow-up with some hand sanitizer than leave the water running.

Yes, I'm a major stickler for conserving tap water.

Yet regardless of how a person shuts off the tap, they should always check to ensure that the water is no longer running.

I find myself turning off the tap in the ladies' room at work about 2 or 3 times a week. Hearing that low hum of rushing water or that steady drip, drip, drip when I enter a restroom is like fingernails-scraping-against-a-chalkboard to my ears.

Does anyone else feel this way, or is it just me?

Needless to say, I am a big fan of sensor faucets.

But if I were to make my own additional poster that would adorn public restroom walls, it would include the following motto and two simple steps:

"Always look behind you!"

1) Before exiting the stall, check to ensure that everything has flushed down and that no 'trace of you' has been left behind on the toilet seat.

2) After turning off the tap, make sure that the water has stopped running. If not, give the tap a tighter twist.

Just turn your head and take a look. It's really that simple.

p.s! I would probably add some flashy 80's graphics and a cute mascot like Grimace to my poster:
He looks like he needs to use the bathroom a lot.


Anonymous said...

grimace is sooo cute!!! he's like a big purple turd.

Unknown said...

Hi Hilary, I'm a friend of your sister Sarah, love your blog. I too can't stand tap water waste. In my office there is a person who turns the taps on before doing her business, so yes they're running the entire time! She comes out, washes her hands, tap still running, gets paper towel, dries her hands first, then turns the tap off. If I come in the washroom and the tap is running, I go and turn it off, Really come on people.

Hilary Marchildon said...

Oh gosh, that's even worse. I guess some people never learned anything when their parents, teachers, or favourite cartoon characters told them not to leave the water running while they brush their teeth.

Thanks for reading!