
Friday, June 11, 2010

Subs, subways and sleep

I'll keep things short and sweet today.

This is the web, after all — readers enjoy their one-sentence paragraphs.

So why not recap my week via bullet points?

Here are some thoughts and events that have been bumming around in my mind as of late:
  • Torontonians sure are one drowsy bunch: No matter what time I get on the subway, someone is always sleeping.
  • Speaking of subways, my father decided to test out his comedic skills at Subway this week. The disgruntled, teenaged sandwich artist behind the counter remained largely unimpressed. On the other hand, yours truly got quite a chuckle (and a free sub) out of it. I cannot divulge any further details at this point, as I suspect my father has already copyrighted his jokes. 
  • Speaking of food, can life not even afford to hand me lemons anymore? I am no longer surprised when a potential employer informs me that well over 150 people applied for the position I am so eager to fill. Someone throw me a bone here. Actually, make it a sub. I'm hungry and I don't particularly enjoy the taste of dog treats.
  • Speaking of sleep (see first bullet point), I should really stop using my cell phone as an alarm clock. Using my cell as an alarm means leaving the sound on, which also means being awoken by drunk texters and people who decide — at 2 a.m. — to reply to a message I sent them at 6 p.m.
  • Speaking of things near my bed, I have written countless unfinished poems. Perhaps I should write a poem about all of my unfinished poems...and then never finish it. That would be fitting.
  • And lastly, speaking of unfinished things, I have slowly started to give my blog a facelift. The change may be drastic or it may be very subtle — only time will tell.



      Anonymous said...

      good jokes in the blog! can't wait to hear what pierre came up with at subway!

      Sarah said...

      Yeah. Tell us the story about what happened at subway. That would be a good blog post!

      Sarah said...

      Yeah. Tell us the story about what happened at subway. That would be a good blog post!

      Anonymous said...

      when i used my cell phone (aka the one you stole) as an alarm clock in halifax, i would set the alarm and then shut OFF the phone
      it would then magically turn on when the alarm was supposed to go off!
      try it out...