
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Library lucubrations

Sometimes when I am bored, I will search online for items to put on hold at the local public library — books, movies or music to keep me occupied while I find myself lacking in what one might call 'a social life'. 

Needless to say, I have my 14-digit library card number memorized.

On one especially hot and steamy Friday night, I was searching the library system for a certain Bob Dylan album when I came across the following:

What's this? "Due: NEVER"?

What exactly does "Due: NEVER" mean? That doesn't make much sense in a system based on borrowing and returning (with a heavy reliance on the 'returning' part).

And why the caps? That seems unnecessarily harsh. Someone already gets to check out an item forever, so why the added emphasis of capital letters to shove it in my face?

Yeah, I'm probably just jealous.

Nerdy much? You bet.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you liked Bob Dylan...what album?

Sarah said...

You should call the library and ask them to explain what they mean by "never" exactly. And then post the results...

jane said...

i feel like i've seen that before too! perhaps the items can be found at 146 or in storage at 4195. so far no library fines for me in halifax! i still owe $2.00 at mcmaster...