
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My bed's too big for just me

As the sweet, sweaty days of summer begin drawing to a close, I find myself veering away from the blogosphere and gravitating towards 'the real world' in search of last-minute adventures, much-needed reunions and many a sleepless night. Yet while my days remain busy and my nights stay satisfyingly hazy, I must confess that I have been completely lacking in the concert-going department as of late. 

Luckily enough, in a delightful twist of fate, indie rockers Ra Ra Riot put on a free show at the Mod Club in Toronto last night and I was able to attend.

The music sounded effortlessly smooth, the lighting changes were quite impressive and the crowd was thick but attentive, making for an overall pleasant transition back into the concert scene. 

Ra Ra Riot's sound is quite melodic and romantic as the six-piece has both a cellist and violinist to their name. Sometimes upbeat and sometimes melancholic, Ra Ra Riot's music makes me want to dance and reach for tissues at the same time.

I especially enjoyed the hypnotic bass line on their latest single "Boy" (from their newly released album The Orchard), although I'm still partial to their 2009 single "Can You Tell": 

"My bed's too big for just me"

Farewell, August.

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